With Mare Vostrum I wanted to escape to the fact of personal importance, so there is not a picture on the cover of ‘the singer’. But behind that cover, a single sky over the sea, there is a kind of complicity, personal obsessions, challenges and stubbornness, even exorcisms, catharsis and nightmares, of two great and powerful fecundators: Jota Martinez, on the one hand, that for more than twenty years has been working to recover the musical iconography of the Iberian Peninsula and medieval Valencia, specifically, in recent years, and back it to life. Musical instruments that have passed the paper where the left drawn, illuminated, copyists of old, or stone on the walls of churches and cathedrals . Diligent composer and arranger who respects the rich mosaic of traditions that make up our shared geography. On the other hand, because if one is the soul, the other is the heart: Abel Garcia, applied to the interpretation of plucked instruments Eastern Mediterranean, taking all the ancient heritage of which they are heirs and taking a step forward , …one or two. Tradition has already been said and sung and at the museums is an invaluable exposure … but you have to evolve, with wisdom and intelligence, tact and respect wholesale. Only in this way we get ‘tune’ with the time we have had to live with their codes, their heartbeat. In those subjects is a master, …new wood for this old boat.

After 25 years of professional experience … things start to make sense and clearly define its exact proportions. This ‘old boat’ need to reduce the weight to undertake other cruises … I said not tired or lacking in enthusiasm and encouragement. While the wind blow the candles on there will be a new reason for travel.

Many thanks to Picap

and the best musicians I know: Jota Martínez, Abel García, Sacha Gotowstchikow, Eduard Navarro, Andrés Belmonte & Rosa Sanz.

Published by Mara Aranda

Mara Aranda es una de las intérpretes más aclamadas surgidas de la escena española. Casi tres décadas durante las cuales ha investigado y cantado músicas turcas, griegas, occitanas y músicas antiguas, medievales y sefardíes, que han dejado como resultado casi una veintena de discos propios de excelente factura merecedores de premios y reconocimiento por parte de público y también de medios especializados.